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What You Need to Know About Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities

Providing employment opportunities for people with disabilities benefits all members of society, including disabled individuals. Employers benefit financially by hiring people who are already qualified to do the job, so they can avoid raising the salaries of all workers to keep up with the cost of a disability.

Disabled people have a harder time finding employment. Disability surveys in the U.S. estimate that about 837,000 disabled persons (4% of the U.S. population) are unemployed-a higher proportion than for any other statistic group, including race and gender

Not only do people with disabilities need jobs, but they also deserve them. Disability can impact someone’s life in many ways, and employment provides an income that could help combat these effects from disability. Starting a business or starting a new position can be daunting or even impossible for some people with disabilities. Knowing this, the municipality started Opportunity Works specifically for individuals with disabilities to help them find jobs in the Dayton area.

A job for someone with a disability is not as difficult to obtain as it may seem. There are many advantages of hiring someone with a disability. They have improved empathy and their level of insight is often high. Businesses should be able to capitalize on such qualities and hire those that deserve consideration.

The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) bans discrimination against applicants with disabilities in the private and public sectors. This means accommodating disabled employees where possible, without sacrificing their jobs, which would usually be removing inconveniences like parking far from the building or adjusting their hours so they can take breaks when they need them.

Work for disabled people

Millions of people with disabilities and special needs are out of work. There are many unmet needs that organizations like Open Doors for the Health and Money can help manage. It turns out that one company is dedicated to hiring people with disabilities. Think Beyond Disability employs people who might never find work elsewhere because of their condition, as accountants and consultants.

Many people with disabilities are unable to work. But for those who can, there are the benefits of flexible hours and a more supportive atmosphere that keeps some workers from isolation. Employment also typically relates to better health and improved quality of life. That’s because having an income helps many people afford things they would otherwise be unable to afford, such as education or quality housing. Plus, tied access to health care is easier this way since it typically comes with the position.

With many people starting with disabilities in the labor market, there is an important problem made – executive jobs that don’t accommodate disabled people. Part of this problem could be solved by trying to create workplaces where employees with disabilities and special needs can work through what they can do and not do

Flexible work is not only for people without a disability, it’s also for those with a disability or special need. Flexible work is often offered to appeal to certain labor pools, typically because of low unemployment benefits or a strong desire for part-time employment (impact). Employers are realizing that finding a diverse workforce leads to more creative and stronger work cultures.

Employers can hire an individual with disabilities for a position and need not provide any accommodations for it. Employers are not responsible for accommodating the disabled under employment standards legislation (i.e., reasonable accommodation).

Contact an Australian disability employment agency if you need assistance in finding jobs for people with disabilities.

Factors to consider when selecting medical equipment suppliers

With the change in technology, the health sector has now advanced while the health needs have increased. For this reason, hospitals and clinics require more medical equipment than ever. The types of equipment that are required are for different kinds, and you cannot find the medical equipment in the hardware like other equipment. For this reason, you will need to ensure that you select the medical equipment supplier that you trust with the supply of the equipment that is required in your hospital or clinic.


When it comes to selecting the best medical equipment supplier, you will need to be more than careful. This is because there are so many medical equipment suppliers located in almost every location waiting for people to order the medical equipment from them. The main reason as to why these people are in the market is because supplying medical equipment today has become a great business. This is because the number of hospitals as well as the clinics and labs requiring the medical equipment supplies has greatly increased. For this reason, many people have taken it as a business and are in the market as a result of greed for money. This is why you need to be very careful when you are looking for the medical equipment supplier. There are several factors that you will need to consider when you are looking for medical equipment suppliers. These factors include:

1. Does the medical equipment supplier supply the equipment that you need?

The first thing that you need to consider before selecting a medical equipment supplier is whether the medical equipment supplier you are about to select supply the equipment that you need. This is because the medical equipment suppliers could be specialising in some medical equipment, and hence they may not be supplying the equipment that you need. However, you need to get a medical equipment supplier who will meet your needs.

2. The quality of equipment supplied

The other factor that is very important to consider when you are selecting a medical equipment supplier is the quality of the equipment that they are supplying. This is because there are medical equipment suppliers who will supply medical equipment of poor services which may not be efficient in the labs. The main advantage of buying high-quality medical equipment is that they will last for a very long time. You should, therefore, avoid a medical equipment supplier who sells poor quality equipment at a lower price.

3. The reputation of the medical equipment supplier

When you are looking for a medical equipment supplier, you will need to ensure that you have researched a little bit about the medical equipment supplier that you are about to hire. In your research, ensure that you speak to some of the people that have been working with the supplier so that you can know the kind of reputation they have. This will help you know whether you can trust then medical equipment supplier or not.

4. The costs of the equipment

You will also need to find out the amount of money that the suppliers sell their supplies so that you can know the number of medical equipment supplies that you can order.

5. When to audit the supplier

Medical equipment suppliers are associated with levels of risks. For this reason, you will need to audit the medical equipment supplier.   You should ensure that you select the medical equipment supplier who will accept to be audited frequently.

6. Technical know-how

You should also ensure that you hire a medical equipment supplier who has the technical expertise of knowing how different v medical equipment is used and where they are used. The medical equipment supplier should also have the ability to repair the equipment when they break down.

Select Patient Care supply medical equipment that will ensure your patient’s safety and well-being.


How to be healthy!

How? Following the benchmarks of the PNNS (National Health Nutrition Program ): > increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables to reach a quota of at least 5 per day > consume calcium source foods (mainly dairy products and, in addition, the vegetables, or mineral waters rich in them) to reach the recommended intakes of 3 dairy products per day

limit the consumption of fats , in particular saturated fats (meats, sausages, cheeses , pastries …)
increase the consumption of starchy starches, in particular complete cereal foods
limit the consumption of sugar and foods rich in starch sugar (sodas, sweets, jam, chocolate …).

> Stay sober

Why ? Hyper – caloric (1 g = 7 Kcal), alcohol diffuses widely in the body before being broken down by the liver into a toxic molecule. Thus, a high consumption would be at the origin of cancers (mouth, pharynx, esophagus, colon, rectum, breast …), and would increase the risk of global mortality, in particular cerebrovascular.

How? Moderation! Prefer low alcohol drinks to the detriment of strong alcohols dry or mixed with soda; drink slowly and put your drink between each sip; have a drink (of alcohol) for pleasure, and a drink (of water) for thirst; do not exceed the equivalent of 2 glasses of wine of 10 cl or 2 beers of 25 cl or 6 cl of strong alcohol per day. Pregnant, ignore.

> Beware of the sun

Why ? Long exposures start the sun capital. Skin aging is accelerated, the risk of cataracts increased. UVA and UVB are carcinogenic.

How? Avoid exposing the summer between 12h and 16h. Never put yourself in the sun without a layer of cream with a high index and regularly renew the application. Wear protective sunglasses, especially on snow or the sea, where reverberation is important.

> Give up smoking

Why ? Apart from cardiovascular diseases and cancers, smoking is run many risks to women associated with the pill, it promotes clot formation, damaging the vessel wall and narrows, increasing the risk of phlebitis and thrombosis; it precipitates decalcification; it increases the risk of extra uterine pregnancy, miscarriage, premature delivery, caesarean section and fetal growth retardation.

How? Do not touch it! If it’s too late, get help!

Why ? A regular sport activity also improves the silhouette, the well-being and the self-esteem.

How? You can be active without being sporty, and move without changing your lifestyle. Do at least half an hour of brisk walking a day or the equivalent. So do not hesitate to walk a little on short trips, get off the bus or the metro station before, do your shopping on foot rather than by car, ban escalators and lifts … On weekends, schedule an activity: bike, rollerblade, ride, swimming pool …

> Make sure a medical follow-up

Why ? Prevention is better than cure, do not we say? The earlier a disease is detected, the more likely it is to be treated. Simple control examinations allow it.

How? Do a check-up (blood test, blood pressure …) with your GP at least every two years. Consult your gynecologist at least once a year, your ophthalmologist once every two years, your dentist every year, your dermatologist every year.

How to stay young and healthy in everyday life


A balanced and responsible dietfood - antioxidants - food supplements

It is on our plate that our best ally would be to stay young and healthy . In order for food to keep its beneficial role on the body, some basic rules must be respected.

1) Eat less . We usually eat too much, see too much. To reduce one’s food intake is to reduce the speed of metabolic reactions, that is to say the work of the organism. It is less overloaded and less tired.

2) Avoid fast sugars . Remember that we store little sugar in our body and that, therefore, any excess turns into fat. In addition, a poorly regulated sugar level induces the appearance of the metabolic syndrome .

3) Reduce your consumption of fatty meat, cheese and butter. In addition, excess animal fat is one of the causes of the onset of the metabolic syndrome.

4) To counterbalance excess omega 6, provide your body with enough omega 3 fatty acids, of which we are often largely deficient. Canola, soy and nut oils are rich. These omega 3 fatty acids have opposite effects to those of omega 6. They fight against inflammation, promote fluidification of the blood and dilate the arteries. It is in fish oil that we find the most active omega 3 fatty acids, especially the famous DHA and EPA.

5) Prefer the intake of vegetable proteins . Meat and cheese, if they are high in protein, are also too rich in animal fats. In addition, animal proteins generate homocysteine, a major cardiovascular risk factor. So limit your consumption of meat and cheese. Be satisfied with a little white meat (poultry) and fresh cheese. Vegetable proteins, on the other hand, contain less methionine than meat and, as a result, generate less homocysteine. In addition, they do not contain saturated fats. Beans and lentils are a good source of protein. Fermented soy in the form of tofu, mixed with vegetables, is an excellent food.

6) Make fruits and vegetables the basis of your healthy diet . They contain a lot of fibers that make it easier to transit , slow down the absorption of fats and sugars, regulate the feeling of hunger. In addition, fruits and vegetables are the most important source of bio-assimilable mineral salts and trace elements . Prefer them from organic farming.

7) What we drink is as important as what we eat because we are 70% water. As we age, we tend to lose water. Good hydration is a simple way to stay young. Drink water or infusions at will, during and outside meals. A glass of red wine with meals (no more) is perfectly compatible with good health, especially as the red wine contains the famous resveratrol, first-rate biological protector, as we will see.

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